Test of the zoom capabilities of the Sony Cyber-shot DSC-H400, Shot on the beach in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Test video on maximum quality 720p, optical and digital zooming with Sony CyberShot DSC-H400 (cloudy weather)
Weitere dkamera.de Inhalte zur Sony Cyber-shot DSC-H400: Der Bildqualitätsvergleich: http://www.dkamera.de/testbericht/sony-cyber-shot-dsc-h400/bildqualitaet...
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come fare video: https://www.youtube.com/edit?video_id=5VoSusR4h-E&video_referrer=watch se sei un youtuber voi fare una collaborazione mi poi contattare ...
UNBOXING E REVIEW DEL SONY DSCH400 Pagato 199 euro da Euronics, era in offerta. Il prezzo iniziale si aggirava attorno ai 300 euro. Specifiche tecniche: -Il ...
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Купить фотоаппараты Sony CyberShot DSC-H300 и DSC-H400 вы можете, оформив заказ у нас на сайте http://allo.ua/ru/products/photocameras/sony-cybershot-dsc-h30...
Este é meu Primeiro vídeo com minha câmera nova da SONY.
Супер 63-оптический зум.
Test aparatu Sony DSC-H400.
Фото метров с 10-20 http://www.mediafire.com/view/la8h6qqs6775s71/DSC00028.JPG http://www.mediafire.com/view/hnh5ss17ea7822x/DSC00038.JPG http://www.mediafir...
Câmera Sony Cyber-shot DSC-H400 Digital é uma câmera ultra-zoom que oferece a facilidade de uso semelhante a uma point-and-shoot, mas a aparência de ...
Photographer Shane Drummond (http://shanedrummond.com) test out 3 superzoom cameras and shares with you his opinion on which he thinks is the best.
Foto scattate in diversi posti con soggetti e paesaggi fissi con varie modalità, dall'automatico, al semiautomatico con scelta dell'esposizione e/o della luminosità ...
The black Sony Cyber-shot DSC-H400 Digital Camera is an ultra-zoom camera that offers the ease of use akin to a point-and-shoot, but the look and feel of a D...